Angular How to Set Up Angular Unit Testing with Jest When starting a new Angular application, the Angular CLI sets up everything you need for unit testing using Karma and Jasmine. In this article, I will show you how to ditch Karma and Jasmine and use Jest as your unit testing framework and runner.
Angular CLI How to Set Up Angular E2E Testing with Cucumber When starting a new Angular application, the Angular CLI sets up everything you need for End-to-end testing using Protractor and Jasmine. In this article, I will show you how to ditch Jasmine, and use Cucumber 🥒 as your testing framework.
Testing Unit Testing in Angular: Stubs vs Spies vs Mocks Unit testing is a very important topic in the world of software development. It gives us feedback about the design of our code (difficulty to test a code means bad design). But most
Angular Angular Pipes: Integrated Unit Testing In my previous blog post [], we learned that there were two ways to unit test Angular pipes: * isolated tests (without TestBed), * integrated tests (with TestBed). But we put
Angular Angular Pipes: Isolated Unit Testing In Angular, pipes allow us to transform data before displaying it. Angular comes with a range of built-in pipes, but sometimes we need to write our own custom pipes. Well, in this case,